Who is in the Driver’s Seat of Your Business: You or the client?

November 19, 2008

Did you become an entrepreneur because you wanted the freedom to dictate your own work hours? Did you want to be your own boss? So how did it happen that you are now working 7 days a week? Do you take phone calls on your day off or when you are closed and ultimately agree to see clients on a day you are closed for business? Guess what if you are seeing clients on days you are typically closed for business or you are constantly lowering your prices due to client demands you are no longer in the driver’s seat. You client is driving your business. Now is the time to reclaim your position behind the steering wheel by following the three B’s.

1.  Boundaries. You need to set firm boundaries. Clients do not need access to you 24/7. If you use a cell phone you need to let the call go to voicemail and have a message that states your business hours and when the caller can expect you to return his or her call. Post your business hours on your marketing materials, the entrance to your business, and mention your hours when scheduling appointments. Clients need to know what your regular hours of business are and they need to show respect by adhering to your hours of business.

2.  Backbone. Unless your backbone was surgically removed you need to find it and use it. Stand up tall with pride in your stance and let the offending client know that the appointment they are requesting cannot be granted because that is a day you are not open for business. Offer the client the next available appointment. DO NOT be guilted into accommodating a client on your day off. If you do grant the client an appointment you may want to charge double or triple for the inconvenience. You do not need to keep offending clients. You can fire clients that do not respect you.

3. Balance. You need to schedule in advance days that you will be closed for business so that you have time for self care. Being an entrepreneur requires you balancing the day to day tasks needed to run a business, working with clients, managing your family, and taking time for you. If you don’t learn to create balance in your life you will find that you are stressed out and soon you will be suffering from burnout. Post upcoming vacations in your newsletter so that your clients can plan accordingly for your absence.

You belong in the driver’s seat. When you applying the three B’s your clients will show you respect by not asking you to provide services on your day off because they will know when you are typically closed. You will have pride in your step because you stood up for yourself and you will have time for self care. You will win when you set boundaries, find your backbone, and have balance in your life. Your friends and family will win also because they will have a less frazzled YOU.

Coach Jaynine ensures small business owners and determined individuals turn their Dreams into Reality. She coaches small business owners on the necessary systems and strategies that are needed to turn their business into an asset instead of a liability. Her clients increase their productivity and earning power while living life on their terms. Experience what Coaching can do for you by downloading your complimentary Productivity Tracker at https//www.dreamcatcher-lifecoaching.com


10 Tips for Developing Your Presence in the Workplace

November 19, 2008

Have you ever worked for a company and the upper management changed and no one seemed to recognize or care what your education level or job skills were? This has happened to all of us.  It can be very frustrating and a blow to your self esteem. We all know to request an interview to speak with our new supervisor. But sometimes they don’t want to learn about whom we are or what we have done in the past. They just want to talk about themselves and their vision for the company. Using my ten tips you will be able to develop your presence in the workplace through your written and oral communication.


1.  Prepare business cards with your name followed by your degree i.e. B.S., B.A, M.S., M.A., M. E., Ph.D. etc… Remember to use a professional font and color.

2.  Write interoffice memos on your personalized note pads, stationary, or sticky notes that include your name, degree, and job title.

3. Sign documents using your conferred degree when appropriate; example, Jerri J. Ray, M.S.

4. Write articles for your office newsletter. If you do not have an office newsletter start one and include a short biography so everyone learns about you.

5. Use your elevator speech, or short biography about you, on the bottom of your emails below your signature block.

6. Provide your supervisor a weekly memo of what you accomplished during the week, outstanding projects, and what you are planning to accomplish for the upcoming week. Do not wait until it is time for your annual review to try and sell yourself. Keep a weekly list of what you have done to improve your job performance for the benefit of the company.

7. Stay abreast of current trends in your area of expertise. Forward journal articles or news paper articles of interest to your supervisor and use a personalized sticky note when writing a short note to state why you found the article of interest.

8. Contribute to staff meetings by always having an article or item of interest to share or by giving a presentation.

9. Attend workshops and then give a presentation to your co-workers on what you learned.

10. Smile, maintain eye contact, and use your manners.


These ten tips will get you noticed in a very subtle, professional manner and remembered; so that, when there is a new job opening, you will be considered for advancement.


Now is the time to invest in you. Go order your personalized stationary, memo pads, sticky notes, and business cards. Employing the ten tips above will guarantee you will no longer be lumped in a category of being just another invisible worker bee. You will be recognized as the professional you are.


Yours truly…turning dreams into reality,



Coach Jaynine turns Dreams Into Reality. She facilitates personal improvement through the use of assessments, self empowerment, and client specific action steps via the telephone and internet. Experience what life coaching can do for you by downloading her FREE Productivity Tracker at https//www.dreamcatcher-lifecoaching.com