Are You Addicted to Networking Events?

November 26, 2008

Attending networking events more often than you get your teeth cleaned is a clear sign that you need to attend my Networking Detox Program.  Attending networking events more than a few times a year is unproductive and leads you to having a false sense of security that you are actually working on your business.

When you are away from your business you are not conducting revenue producing activities. However, don’t feel bad you are not the only candidate for my Networking Detox Program. Below are 5 steps to aid you as you quit your networking event addiction so that you can focus on revenue producing activities.

1.  Plan.  Attending networking events or any events requires planning. It requires you to spend time getting dressed and commuting to and from the event. A one hour networking event can end up eating up half a day or more. Do not waste valuable time attending events that do not have your target niche in attendance. Remember you must have a niche in order to be seen as the expert in your respective field. People do business with those that are specialized. They see value in working with a specialist. Think about the medical field. People visit a specialist for a particular ailment and they are willing to pay extra. The same can be said for car repair people. People go to a muffler specialist, an oil change specialist, transmission specialist etc. You want your clients to see you as the specialist or expert in your arena.  

2.  Clarify. Clarify between networking events, marketing events, and social events. Do not convince yourself that marketing events and social events are networking events. They are not the same thing. Networking events have a clearly defined agenda for all attendees. Everyone is there to make contacts and gather leads. Marketing events are a way for people to market themselves but not necessarily collect leads. Social events are purely for pleasure. When you turn a ribbon cutting event (which is someone else’s marketing event) and social events into networking events you may offend people by appearing overly hungry. There is a time and place for everything. This is not to say you cannot take advantage of a situation when it presents itself but you must do so very carefully and cautiously. Remember, people do business with those they know, like, and trust. Take time at social events to begin to develop rapport with people you are just meeting.

3. System. You must have a system in place so that you know what you are going to do with all the contacts you make at your networking event. If you follow up with the contacts you make you will not need to continually go to new networking events to meet new potential clients. You will have more leads than you can manage. You must also have other systems in place to generate leads. You should be generating leads through article writing, social networking sites, and word of mouth referrals. 

4. Convert. Convert customers into clients. Customers are people that do business with you once. Clients have a relationship with you and are loyal to you. You must take time to build a relationship with your customers so that they become clients. When you have a large client base you will not need to find new customers; thus you will not need to attend networking events each month or each week.

5. Channel. Networking events can leave you with a feeling similar to runners high. They can be invigorating and leave you motivated. Channel that feeling into working on revenue producing activities while watching your bank account grow.

When you plan and clarify which networking events are advantageous to you and your business you will have more free time to spend on revenue producing activities.  Developing a system for what you are going to do with all the leads you make at networking events will enable you to reduce the time spent attending more networking events. Converting customers into clients will save you time by having loyal clients who contact you when they need your product or service. Clients will also be great at referring more clients to you. Remember people do business with those they know, like, and trust. Channel your energy into developing and cultivating relationships with your current customers and clients.  Enjoy the feeling you get from graduating my networking event Detox program as you watch your bank account grow.   


Coach Jaynine

Coach Jaynine

5 Tips for Enjoying a Stress Free Holiday Season

November 26, 2008

The word BUDGET often elicits thoughts of being in a straight jacket and being forced to sit home alone being denied fun and food. A budget is not about deprivation. A budget is a plan on how you are going to spend your money for the upcoming month. Using my 5 Tips below you will be able to enjoy a stress free holiday season.

1.  Review your basic living expenses. This is where you will record your mortgage or rent, electric, cable, cell phone, water, and other fixed expenses.

2. Make a list of all your holiday expenses. You will want to list the people you intend to buy presents for to include your neighbors, mailman, hair stylist, and other service people. You will also need to add greeting cards, thank you cards, postage, baking supplies, holiday decorations, party supplies, and holiday clothing.

3. When you know how much money you have left over from your basic you budget you will need to devise a spending plan for all the categories you listed in number 2 above. In your spending plan for the holidays you will want to list each person or category and how much money you are going to realistically spend. Putting the plan on paper will let you see where you may need to make adjustments so that you do not need to use a credit card or take out a loan.

4. In order to keep holiday spending down you may want to capitalize on your talents. If you love to bake- give away your goodies as gifts. If you enjoy walking dogs then make dog walking coupons for your neighbors and friends. The holidays are not about going on a marathon shopping spree. They are about giving thanks.

5. When you are going holiday shopping use the envelope system. For each category on your budget put the allotted amount of CASH in an envelope. When you go shopping use only the cash in each envelope for the item or category it is allotted. Do not cheat and rob one envelope to pay for something in another envelope. When you run out of money in the envelope you are done spending in that category. 

Planning in advance for the holiday season can ensure that you are able to truly enjoy the season for the right reason. Using the 5 Tips above will guarantee that you know where you are spending your money this holiday season. Business owners should also follow the above 5 Tips to ensure that they stay within budget during the holiday season when giving holiday gifts to their employees and customers.



Coach Jaynine ensures small business owners and determined individuals turn their Dreams into Reality. She facilitates personal improvement through the use of assessments, self empowerment, and client specific action steps via the telephone and internet. Her clients increase their productivity and earning power while living life on their terms. Experience what Coaching can do for you by registering for a complimentary teleclass at https//