Taming Your Fear During a Recession: Part II

Taming your Fear during a recession requires the use of Coping Skills.  Coping Skills will help you reduce anxiety and fear. The most commonly used are:

1.  Visualization. When you can pinpoint the source of your anxiety or fear you will be able to sit back and relax as you visualize a positive outcome. As you visualize the various scenarios you will be able to be in control of the outcome of the situation.

2. Positive self talk. Negative Nellie’s and Debbie Downers are bad for your psyche. Learn to use positive self talk to chase away anxiety and fear. Try to see the positive in all situations. Learn to employ the Laws of Attraction.

3.  Relaxation exercises/meditate/yoga. Now is the time to learn to be greedy and take time for YOU. Scheduling even just 15 minutes a day to engage in relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga will reduce the stress, anxiety and fear you may be experiencing.  

4. Educate yourself. When you know the source of your anxiety and fear is the unknown take time to invest in educating yourself. If you do not understand your finances, or how to run a particular aspect of your business now is the time to learn. Educating yourself does not have to cost a lot of money. The internet and local library are valuable sources of credible information. You can also take part in free Teleclasses and webinars hosted by various agencies and coaches.

5. Exercise. Exercise will increase the production of your feel good endorphins and help chase the blues away. It is also a great way to stimulate the creative juices and brain storm. I always solve the world problems while out walking my dog or going for a run.

6. Vent and mastermind. We all know that keeping things bottled up inside is not good. Find someone that you can confide in and share you troubles and joys. If you do not belong to a mastermind group start one of your own. We all need people that we can trust and share our worries; plus they need us too for the very same reason.  

7.  Journaling.  Journaling and behavior charting are a great way to record the date, time, and situation that invokes feelings of fear and anxiety. After journaling or charting for a period of time you will be able to review if there are certain people or situations that always invoke the butterflies in your stomach to flutter.

8. Invest  in a Coach. Now is the time to invest in coaching.

Remember: Most situations that cause us to experience anxiety and fear are opportunities to grow.  Using my 8 coping skills listed above you will be able to tame your fear during a recession or anytime.

This is the second of a three part series on Taming Your Fear. Jaynine Howard, PhD (ABD) has over 25 years of experience. She coaches dynamic business owners on how to increase their visibility and credibility in the community so they are positioned as the EXPERT by employing proven systems and strategies that will increase revenue. Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? Download your free productivity tracker at www.coachjaynine.com  Join me on Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 2pm EST for a free teleclass on Taming Your Fear. For more information visit www.coachjaynine.com

One Response to Taming Your Fear During a Recession: Part II

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