Taming Your Fear During a Recession: Part III

When you are feeling anxiety or fear regarding MONEY or your Business Success, employ my 5 Steps to Success below:

1. Confront the fear. Fear is different than anxiety. Fear is associated with a specific object. When you become paralyzed and cannot function due to an upcoming event, you are experiencing fear. You must be able to pinpoint the source of your fear in order to confront it. You can identify your fear by journaling. When you keep a journal you will be able to go back and identify times you experience anxiety and fear and use coping skills to manage the fear and anxiety.

2. Reexamine your business systems and strategies.  When the news or current events are making you feel fearful it is time to examine your business and personal systems and strategies. Now is the time to review your business plan, marketing plan, lead attraction and networking systems, and your crisis plan.

3. Look at your budget and ensure you are financially sound or take action to ensure you get back on track.  Remember, a budget is not a straight jacket to curtail all spending. A budget is a plan on how you are going to spend your money. Embrace the word budget and make the necessary adjustments for your personal and business survival. Do not forget to use the leverage power of Web2.0.

4. Examine your niche. If your niche can no longer afford your products or services it is time to tailor your product funnel so that there is something they can afford. Since many consumers are tightening their belts it is time to ensure that you have products or services that they can afford. You may want to bundle services to provide more value or offer individual products and services at a lower cost or for free. If you do not have a referral program or loyal customer rewards program now is the time to start one.

5. Call or email your Coach. Your coach can help you brainstorm the necessary systems and strategies needed so you can continue to grow your business and tame your fear.  Your coach will propel you to take action and hold you accountable. Coaching is an investment in you and your business. Isn’t now the time to invest in you and your business? Today is the someday you have been waiting for…take action now.


This is the third of a three part series on Taming Your Fear. Jaynine Howard, PhD (ABD) has over 25 years of experience. She coaches dynamic business owners on how to increase their visibility and credibility in the community so they are positioned as the EXPERT by employing proven systems and strategies that will increase revenue. Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? Download your free productivity tracker at www.coachjaynine.com and don’t forget to join me on Friday, Feb 27th at 2pm EST for a free teleclass on Taming Your Fear.

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