Do You Have Your Beach Body or Are You Exercise Challenged?

May 3, 2009

Four months have passed since you made your New Years Resolution to stick to an exercise plan. How are you doing? Are you sticking to your plan or have you abandoned it? Each year people start the New Year with the best intentions to stick to an exercise program; so what happened? Many people adopted a plan that was not suited for their personality. Ask yourself “Does your personality fit your exercise routine or are you trying to fit into your exercise routine?” Beach season is just around the corner. But there is still time to get your beach body.

Research shows that you will only adhere to an exercise program that fits your true personality. In order for you to design an exercise plan that you will stick to you must honestly answer four questions. How much time do you have to devote to exercise? Do you get bored easily with your current exercise routine? Do you prefer to workout alone or with a partner? Does your exercise routine reflect your personality? If lack of time prevents you from attending a gym you may want to consider activities that can be conducted in the privacy of your home or outdoors in your neighborhood when weather permits. Many at home activities do not require the purchase of expensive equipment. Unfortunately, people often use lack of time to exercise as an excuse to not go to the gym. Think back to what you enjoyed doing for fun when you were a child. Jumping rope, roller blading, or riding a bike can add variety to your exercise program. If you have various activities you enjoy you can alternate your workout program to alleviate boredom before it strikes. Additionally, well meaning people may say they will join you at the gym only to call at the last minute and cancel; resulting in you skipping your workout. If you truly like working out with a partner find someone who is dependable, committed, and who will push you to reach a peak performance. There is nothing wrong with preferring to workout alone. People often drop out of an exercise program because the program does not fit their personality. If you are a night owl do not try to be the first person at the gym each morning. For those of you that like being outside in the fresh air get yourself outside and hit the running or walking trails; don’t stay inside the gym on the treadmill.  When you are honest with yourself on how much time you can devote to exercising, have a plan to combat boredom or workout partner no shows, and find a routine that suits your personality you will overcome your exercise challenges.

May is the perfect month to stop being exercised challenged. The weather is not too hot or too cold. Beach season is just around the corner; what better motivator than to find an exercise routine that compliments your true personality.