Local Business Owner Reaches Out In “Effective Communication Month”

news release

for immediate release            

 Local Business Owner Reaches Out In “Effective Communication Month”

  Jacksonville, NC –May 11, 2009- We can all think of times when a misunderstanding has caused big problems. We spend our entire lives communicating but we’re normally too busy getting our message out there to worry about whether it has been effective. That is why during “Effective Communication Month” a local business owner is making sure every action or word, spoken or written is communicated to the right people in the right way and is urging other businesses to do the same.

 From May 1st to the 31st  JAYNINE HOWARD will be the taking the time to communicate effectively with her friends and family as well as her clients and business partners.

 Howard, who owns and runs Dream Catcher in Jacksonville, points to recent data that shows as more consumers tighten their budgets, it’s quality customer service is what keeps a business viable and strong and says “Effective Communication Month” as a catalyst for review. “With such strong competition in such difficult times it’s vital that we make ourselves heard. A company that is considered more of a partner with their prospects, rather than a vendor, ends up becoming an asset to customers,” she says.

 “Communicating the wrong thing, communicating with the wrong person, communicating in the wrong way or simply explaining things badly can be fatal for a small business. If you don’t already have a plan or strategy for your communications I would strongly encourage you to use this month to create one, try a few things out and put your plan into practice,” Howard says.  “Ask yourself how your current and prospective clients respond to your communications, how you would like them to respond, and what you need to do for them to respond in that way?”

 Founded in 2006, Dream Catcher helps business owners to develop their presence by using the free of Web 2.0.

 So what is Howard doing to improve the effectiveness of her communication? She will be hosting a Lunch and Learn free seminar called Crash Course in Social Networking:  How to Get Your Business Noticed at the CCCC Melton Skills Center, Room 110 from 12-1:30pm EST.  “The main thing is to build relationships and make yourself understood….and most of all to have fun with it” says Howard.






contact: Jaynine Howard




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