Article Writing, Growing Your List and the Squeeze Page


Are you a business owner wanting to grow your business? The answer is in your “list”. You can build your list by writing articles, blogs, and sending out a newsletter to promote your business. People buy from experts. Establish yourself as the expert in your niche by writing.

Article writing is easier than you think. You pick a topic that is your passion and offer the reader tips, your opinion, and your insight on that topic. Because you are writing on a topic that is your passion the article writing process will be effortless.  You will be able to write an article within 10 – 20 minutes because you are writing on a topic that you know very well and are the expert on. You can recycle your article by posting it on your various blogs and social networking sites. You can also use the article in your newsletter and offer it to others to use in their newsletters too. Go Green…recycle, recycle, recycle.

Now, after you have written your article you will want to include a resource box at the end of the page. This will include a call to action. You want the reader to go to your website. The website you will want the reader to visit will be your Squeeze Page. This way the reader is only afforded the opportunity to read one page of information and he or she will leave their email address and other contact information to receive a free product such as a special report, ecourse, or coupon. When the reader visits your main website, too many distractions such as multiple pages, buttons to click, and information to read can cause the reader to not leave his or her information. You want to capture his or her email address so you can add him or her to your “list”.

Grow Your Business NOW by writing articles, posting them to your blog and social networking sites, and driving traffic to your Squeeze Page.

social networking class

Coach Jaynine turns Dreams into Reality. She teaches business owners how to develop their presence in the community by having the necessary systems in place so they are seen as the EXPERT. Jaynine has over 20 years experience as a United States Marine, psychotherapist, and business owner. If you are ready to be the expert, increase your revenue and take your business to the next level contact Jaynine today at or 910-539-2810.

2 Responses to Article Writing, Growing Your List and the Squeeze Page

  1. Flash says:

    Hmm. Is it true? 🙂

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