Stop Procrastinating and Take Action Now!

Why do you procrastinate? What is your definition of procrastination? My definition of procrastination is making up excuses not to finish something.

We are a country that loves instant. We have instant oatmeal, instant coffee, and hot water on demand. So when it is time to sit down and work on something we often don’t have the patience to do it. We would rather be off doing something fun or working on something that is easy.  We always put off what we don’t want to do. We procrastinate.

There are three main steps to stopping procrastination.

1. Self reflect . Take time to really examine why you are procrastinating. Is it because you don’t like the task? Is it because you don’t know what to do? Is it because you are afraid of failure or success? Are you afraid of rejection?

2. Confront Your Fear. Fear can paralyze you or propel you to take action. Let your fear propel you to take action. Stand up to fear.

3. Make a Plan. We often don’t complete something because we don’t know what to do or the project or task seems very overwhelming. You need to make time to design a system so you know how to complete your task. Visualize yourself completing the task. Walk yourself through all the necessary steps and all the possibilities that may occur and design a system.

When you take time to self reflect, confront your fear and design a plan you will be able to curtail your procrastinating ways and become the person that makes things happen. So make it your personal mantra when you look in the mirror Stop Procrastinating and Take Action Now!


Don't make me take off my shoes and beat you!

Don't make me take off my shoes and beat you!


STOP TALKING AND START DOING! Coach Jaynine is a business coach who gets people to take action. She will get you to move from talking about what you want to do – to doing what you want to do. Jaynine has over 20 years experience as a United States Marine, psychotherapist, and business owner. If you are ready to take action, increase your revenue and take your business to the next level contact Jaynine today at or 910-539-2810.


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