Twitter Tip Thursday – ChipIn

August 20, 2009


Do you need to raise funds for your soccer team, school PTA, or other cause?

ChipIn allows you to let your social networking buddies know what you need money for, how much and by when. They can chip in as much or as little as they want by using PayPal. You can also create a widget for your Facebook account to promote your ChipIn.

 Just another fun way to promote your business or event.

 Happy Tweeting!



Grow Your Business with a Newsletter!

August 11, 2009

social networking classAre you a Small Business Owner or Independent Contractor who is looking for a no cost or low cost way to stay in touch with clients and customers?

 Are you seeking a way to show your clients or customers that you are the expert in your niche?

 Do you want to remind your clients that you are still in business?

 Join me on August 17, 2009 at 8pm EST.

I will teach you how to grow your business with a newsletter.

I will teach you 7 key items you need to know:                 

  1. Why you need to publish a newsletter
  2. What to put in your newsletter
  3. Where to get content for your newsletter
  4. How often to publish your newsletter
  5. Who should receive your newsletter
  6. How to make money with a newsletter
  7. How to publish your newsletter for free or very low cost

When you know the answers to these 7 questions, you will be ready to launch a successful newsletter campaign and grow your business so you are seen as the expert and make more money.

Cost:  $27.00 for non-Dynamic Coaching Club Members

           Free for Dynamic Business Owners Coaching Club Members

Location:  This is a Virtual Event. You will be able participate either using your telephone or your computer. You receive the call in details when you register. Seating is limited.

The call will be recorded and you will receive an e-Course with your registration. Therefore, do not worry about not being able to attend the call live. As always, you are encouraged to email me after the class with any questions that might come up as you design your newsletter. I will not abandon you after the class.

You can register at

 I look forward to helping you grow your business!


Twitter Tip Thursday – StockTwits

August 6, 2009


This is a great way to stay abreast of what is going on in the Stock Market. You can explore StockTwits without an account. Just visit the website above and enter your company name or ticker and see what is going on.

Happy Tweeting!

Twitter Tip Thursday – TwitPic

July 23, 2009


You can upload photos from your phone  or from the website. Go to the website and log in with your Twitter account information. How easy is that?

Have fun but remember…if you would not want your mother or grandmother to see the pics do not post them. Also, if you are job hunting think twice before you post.

Happy Thursday Everyone!