Dating and Safety

February 9, 2009

Writing your online profile is where you get to advertise yourself. Below are my tips on what NOT to include in your profile, my first meeting safety tips, and following your gut instinct.

Please respect your privacy and personal information. Do not be coaxed into providing the below information.

Do not include the following anywhere in your profile or reveal when first meeting someone:

  • Last name
  • Street Address
  • Home Phone (use a cell phone)
  • Work Phone
  • Social Security Number
  • Banking information
  • Income (this may attract gold diggers…and yes, men can be gold diggers too)
  • Place where you work (you don’t want them calling or showing up unannounced)
  • Information regarding where your children play sports or go to school


Anyone that has been involved in online dating knows there are unspoken safety tips to follow. I have taken the privilege of writing them down and sharing them with those that may not know them in order to ensure your safety.

First Meeting Safety Tips:

  • Do not allow the person to pick you up…meet them at a public place. I recommend a coffee shop or lunchtime cafe so that you have a quick reason to leave (need to get back to work etc) if there is no chemistry or the person misrepresented him or herself.
  • Park your car in front of the coffee shop, under a light, or in a very public place (in case he walks you to your car).
  • Ensure someone knows where you going and what time to expect you to return home.
  • Escape Phone Call-have someone call you on your cell phone at a prescribed time to ensure you are safe. If the meeting is not going well this can be the excuse you can use to make your escape by politely explaining a friend needs you to pick up a sick child from school/sports etc. If the meeting is going well, you can thank the caller for calling and resume your meeting.

We often do not listen to our gut instinct. We often rationalize why we want to go against what it is telling us to do. I say “LISTEN TO YOUR GUT AND FOLLOW WHAT IT IS SAYING”.

Listen to your Vibration (Gut Instinct)

  • Listen for inconsistencies in the conversation
  • If the person won’t share a phone number maybe he or she is married.
  • If after meeting and hitting it off the person does not introduce you to friends or family and only meets you at a location of your choice inquire why. Is he or she married?
  • Be cautious of the person that displays anger easily or tries to control you – look for passive-aggressive behavior
  • Acknowledge rude behavior
  • Refuses to share a current photo
  • Person still lives with parents
  • Has served time in jail
  • Is overly interested in a person’s children
  • Excessive bragging
  • Overly dominate religious or political views
  • Immediately talks about sex or things of a very personal nature
  • Do a Google search of their name and see what items may pop up online.
  • Visit various dating websites to see if the persons profile is the same on each site or if there are discrepancies in age/height/marital status etc

 When you follow my safety tips listed above you will ensure that you have taken responsibility for your safety so you have a fun and pleasurable dating experience.

 Coach Jaynine is an author, speaker, and coach. She propels her clients to greatness so they can turn their dreams into reality. Visit her website at for more information.


Free Dating Websites

January 31, 2009

This morning on CNN …Clark Howard mentioned the below free dating websites.   I had you used this unsuccessfully in the past. was a free site when I tried it unsuccessfully years ago.

I met my husband through yahoo personals. We were married on June 21, 2008 are very happy.

Coach Jaynine is an author, speaker, and coach. She propels her clients to greatness so they can turn their dreams into reality. Visit her website at for more information.jaynine_allh1