Get a Dog and Increase Your Productivity

November 24, 2008

Let me start by saying I have not always been a dog person. I love cats. Mr. Skittles is an 18 pound old cat that I rescued in 2002. He loves to sit on the edge of my desk or on the keyboard and supervise me as I work. He doesn’t need to go for a walk and rarely begs me for anything other than to refill his food dish. He is content to just lounge and sleep. The most nuisances he causes is making me vacuum the furniture to get rid of his cat hair. Mr. Skittles is content to let me work nonstop 10-12 hours a day at my desk as long as I don’t type too loudly.


Now, Miss Savanna joined our household this fall. She is a young Pit Bull who loves to be the center of attention. She begs to go outside at least once an hour. Just when I sit down to work she comes in with a toy and wants me to stop what I’m doing and play fetch or chase her throughout the house and play hide and go seek.


I have finally found the secret to getting work done now that there is a dog in the house. You have to take her for a walk so she is tired and sleeps all morning. Savanna and I get up an hour earlier than I use to; our day starts around 4 am. Oh, I hear you groaning now. Well, we get up and I have coffee and check emails, plan my day, and typically get one or two small tasks accomplished before it is 6 am and the sun is out. Savanna knows when it is light enough to go for a walk and she starts begging if I’m not moving to get dressed. I admit walking Savanna has replaced my morning run. But she is slowly working up her endurance and soon we will be running instead of walking.


The weather is getting very nipping this time of year.  The fresh morning air is great to get the brain working. I usually solve all the world’s problems and invent challenge questions for my clients while Savanna and I are out for our morning walk. We typically are gone about 40 minutes and I admit I do not like cold weather and if it were not for Savanna I would not be outside in the fresh brisk air.


While on our morning walk we see all the cars with people rushing to work and the children getting on school buses. I am always reminded why I love working from home. I have the freedom to plan my day as I please. I do not miss being part of the early morning rush to work crowd. I love being my own boss.


When I return from our morning walk I typically am full of ideas and I see problems more clearly. I work in my office very diligently and efficiently in the morning. At lunch time Savanna and I may take a break and go for a very short walk. Again, it clears the brain fog and I’m refreshed.


Afternoons will typically find me and Savanna watching an episode or two of the Dog Whisperer and napping. Then we go for a late afternoon walk. Again the brain fog is lifted and I find I am ready to easily work at my desk for another 4-6 hours.


Becoming a dog owner has increased my productivity by providing me with mental clarity. I also have reduced stress and strain caused by sitting at a desk too long. Again, the daily walks with Savanna remind me why I love being an entrepreneur; I can set my own schedule.


If you don’t own a dog that needs walked I still highly recommend forcing yourself away from your desk and going for a walk a couple times a day. Exercise will clear the brain fog and leave you focused and inspired which will result in you being more productive. You will get more work done in less time.


So, when you find yourself looking at your computer screen and not having a thought in your brain on what to type. Hit SAVE, grab your dog or stop by my house and get Savanna and go clear away the brain fog! You will find you are more productivity and inspired when you return to your desk.