Failure is OK During a Recession or Anytime: Failure is the welcomed opportunity to grow personally and professionally

March 4, 2009

Failure is ok. The media is bombarding us with stories of failure. There are layoffs, economic failure, and other gloom and doom stories. I am here to tell that failure is ok. You do not need to play the victim. I am not sure how the word failure became such a dirty word. But listen…failure is ok. Failing at something is just a sign that you need to learn more about that particular area of your life. Here is what I want you to do next time you think you “failed”.

1.  Self Reflect:  Find a quiet space and claim it all to yourself. Turn off the cell phone and get out your pen and paper. Think real hard back to what went wrong. Write it down. Think about what went right? Write it down too. Think about your coulda, woulda, shoulda’s. Write them down. Self reflection will show you that you didn’t fail.


2.  Dream: Dare to dream new dreams or continue with your current dream. Your dream should be somewhat realistic and attainable only you know how committed you are to making them reality. Make a list of things you would like to accomplish this week, this month, and this year. Make another list of things you would like to accomplish with the next 2, 3, 5 years and so on. Remember this is your list not someone else’s and not a list of things you should do. It is your list. You own it.


3.  Design a MAP: Now you need to design a Master Action Plan. This will be your roadmap on how you are going to get yourself from where you are today to where you want to be by the end of the week, month and year. You will also design a roadmap for the upcoming years also. Designing your MAP will take time but it is time well spent or how else are you going to know you are headed in the right direction?


4.  Take Action: Now you need to put action behind those dreams so they are transformed into reality. Taking action is probably the hardest step. Often you do not know how to get moving. But remember you have your MAP. Pull it out and read the first step. Use your Map to get you moving in the direction of completing your first dream by the end of the week. Rome was not built in a day. Your dreams will not come true overnight. You must take baby steps and sometimes big steps to get you moving so you can turn your dreams into reality. But at least get up, get moving forward so you can succeed.


5.   Reward Yourself: As you accomplish your goals and dreams reward yourself. You may want to predetermine a reward prior to beginning to work on your MAP. This way you have a carrot dangling over you that you want; it will motivate you to work hard. The reward can be as simple as buying a new bottle of nail polish, going to the library to check out new books, or splurging on your favorite coffee. You can also have larger rewards for when you have accomplished several smaller goals. This could be something such as a facial, massage, or mini weekend vacation. Rewarding your self is not being selfish. It is rewarding yourself for a job well done it is taking care of you. Women often fail to reward themselves, others often take them for granted, and fail even say thank you. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN YOU!


6.  Journaling: Record your progress or lack of progress daily in a journal. This will allow you to see what you have done with your time. After a period of time of using a journal or my productivity tracker you will begin to see where you are wasting time or someone else is sabotaging your time and efforts.


As you learn to focus on you and work toward your dreams, you will see that failure is the welcomed opportunity to grow personally and professionally. You will have renewed confidence in yourself and your abilities because you will see that you are taking action because you have plan; you have focus, clarity, and purpose. Remember get up at a set time each day. Get dressed with a purpose. Keep your chin up and eyes pointed forward so you can see where you are going! Have a great transformation journey.


Jaynine Howard, PhD (ABD) has over 25 years of experience helping others win. She coaches dynamic business owners on how to increase their visibility and credibility in the community so they are positioned as the EXPERT by employing proven systems and strategies that will increase revenue. Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? Sign up for her teleclass series Are You Playing to Win or Are You Playing to Lose

