Oprah spends money on advertising/marketing: Do you?

July 17, 2009

Oprah advertises on television. She makes sure that viewers know what channel to watch her show.  Are you letting your customers and clients know how to get in touch with you?

 Advertising/marketing must be done regardless of your budget. Below are my tips for advertising/marketing your business.


Article writing


Social Networking

Word of mouth advertising

Speaking Engagements, (you may be paid as a speaker and actually make money)

Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce Member to Member Flyers

Internet Radio interviews

Host your own radio show

Free Business Listings on various websites

New Jacksonville-Onslow County Chamber of Commerce members get a free 8-minute interview on The Talk Station or five free advertising spots.

Host a free teleseminar

Start a newsletter using a 60-day free trial and use Merchant Circle newsletter option

 Small Fee – under $100

Networking Events

Classified Ads

Advertising space in Association or Group newsletters

DIY Brochures

DIY Business cards

DIY Rack cards

(DIY projects can end up costing more money than you anticipate due to errors you make or time you are not working with clients while you are busy designing your items)

Promotional materials such as pens, pencils, postcards, magnets, coffee mugs etc.

Guerilla Marketing

Print flyers and hand them out


Pay for someone to write your articles

Pay for someone to manage your social networking

 Medium Fee – $101 – $500

Newspaper advertising

The Talk Station radio advertising

Brochures designed by a professional

Business cards designed by a professional

Rack cards designed by a professional

Window graphics

Movie theatre advertising dependent upon location

Promotional materials such as pens, pencils, postcards, magnets, coffee mugs etc.

Expo fees

Coffee News

Membership fee to join various Associations

Networking registration or meal fees

Money Mailer

Banner Advertising

Pay Per Click Advertising

 High Fee – $500 or higher

Advertising in National Magazines

Car wrap

Professional Website design

Movie theatre advertising dependent upon location

Expo fees

Television advertising


Banner Advertising

Pay Per Click Advertising

Direct mail


Radio Advertising

 As you can see, there are many free or low cost ways to market or advertise your business. The lists above are just a few suggestions. Do you have a marketing plan? I want you to take out a calendar and design a 90-day plan. Write down what or how you are going to do to advertise/market your business.

 I also want you to take a hard look at your finances. Be honest and realistic. How are you going to spend your money? Design a plan incorporating the suggestions above based upon your budget. Do not be embarrassed if your 90-day calendar is filled with free or low cost ways to advertise or market your business. Only you know your budget. It is better to do something than to do nothing.

 Remember, it is your responsibility to let customers and clients know you are still in business. It is not their job to track you down to see if you are still in business.

Enjoy a Free or Low Cost Valentine’s Day

February 1, 2009

jaynine_allh1Oooooooooooo I hear you saying, “How can Valentine’s Day be fun or romantic if I have to stick to a budget?” However, I am telling you “Valentine’s Day does not have to break the bank”.


My 7 tips will help you have a low cost or no cost romantic Valentine’s Day.


1. Mood Music.  Visit http://www.playlist.com/ and create your own playlist of all your favorite songs. This is a no cost and legal way to download your favorite music. You can play the music from your computer. FREE


2. Candles. Visit your local dollar type store and purchase tapers, votives and pillars in various colors. You will also be able to find heart shaped confetti to decorate around the base of the candles. Candles will compliment the mood music. Do not waste money on expensive candles because they will be gone by morning. Try to buy unscented you do not want the scent to clash with your perfume. $5.00


3. Picnic. Think about some of your favorite foods. If the climate is right, pack a picnic basket with all your favorite foods and head outdoors. If the weather keeps you indoors spread out your blanket on the floor and have your picnic indoors or on your bed. Wear something sexy so you are dessert.  Get out your good china, silver, and crystal. Use what food is in the cupboard or shop for groceries on a budget.


4. Movies. Go to your video store or library and pick up a couple of your favorite date night movies. Watch these snuggled up on the bed or on the sofa after you have devoured your picnic. FREE – $5.00


5.  Sexy little something. There is no need to buy something new; you know that stuff never stays on very long. Look in your closet or dresser and pick out something you have not worn in a while. Dab on your favorite perfume. Put on your makeup and do not forget to wear the jewelry he has bought you. FREE


6. Bubbly. Don’t forget the bubbly or your favorite beverage. Get out your wedding toasting flutes or your pretty stemware. Make your picnic special by using the “good” stuff. $15.00 or what fits your budget. If you don’t want alcohol have your favorite nonalcoholic beverage in wine glasses or champagne flutes.


7. Bubble Bath. Again visit your dollar type store. This is not the time to splurge on expensive bubble bath because you will not probably be in the tub long enough to enjoy it. Splurge and use the entire bottle of bubbles if you want.  Place the candles around the edge of the tub and grab your bubbly to sip. $1.00 for bubble bath.


Staying home and creating your own romantic hideaway can be fun and low cost. You will not need to spend hours waiting for a table at your favorite restaurant. You can parade around in as skimpy of an outfit as you want. You can take your time enjoying the evening and each other wherever you want. When you use my seven tips, you will have a very low cost yet romantic Valentine’s Day.


Don’t forget to turn off the cell phones, lock the doors, pull the drapes closed, and enjoy your Valentine’s Day.  


Coach Jaynine is an author, speaker, and coach. She propels her clients to greatness so they can turn their dreams into reality. Visit her website at www.attractlovekeeplove.com for more information.

Free Dating Websites

January 31, 2009

This morning on CNN …Clark Howard mentioned the below free dating websites.



www.plentyoffish.com   I had you used this unsuccessfully in the past.

www.loveaccess.com was a free site when I tried it unsuccessfully years ago.

I met my husband through yahoo personals. We were married on June 21, 2008 are very happy.

Coach Jaynine is an author, speaker, and coach. She propels her clients to greatness so they can turn their dreams into reality. Visit her website at www.attractlovekeeplove.com for more information.jaynine_allh1

Self Care: No Cost or Low Cost Ways to Indulge

December 2, 2008

Self care if very important. Our bodies need down time to recharge the brain and immune system. Indulging in self care does not need to rob the bank. Below are 5 of my favorites that are no cost or low cost ways to indulge in self care.


1.  Pajama day. This is a day where you get up and shower, put on your make up, and slide into your favorite comfy pj’s.  You spend the day on the sofa or in bed with the remote control in one hand and your favorite beverage in the other. Sitting beside you is a stack of magazines you’ve been waiting to read. You also get to indulge in your favorite treats. The day is yours! Be creative and relax.


2. Leftover Night. Entertaining will be stress free when you invite your friends to bring over their leftovers for a potluck dinner. I often cook on weekends for my children but am left with tons of leftovers on Monday. In order that they not go to waste I call my single friends or single parent friends and they bring over their leftovers for a great night of casual dining and great conversation. There is no need to spend time cooking and cleaning because you only need to heat up leftovers and then load the dishwasher. It is amazing how leftover night held during the workweek can make such a big difference in your stress level. Don’t wait for the weekend to connect with friends. Pick up your phone and invite them over during the workweek for leftover night. If they don’t have leftovers they can bring the salad or beverage.


3. Library. Your local library is a great source of reading material for you and the entire family. Plus many libraries also have videos you can check out for free. This can be a two night event. Spend one afternoon or evening at the library then spend the next afternoon or evening watching a movie as a family or lounging around reading your new library books. This can easily become a family ritual. Growing up we went to the library every Saturday morning followed by going to lunch at the local diner for lunch. I still remember the name, Kringle’s Restaurant. Take time to explore your library. It is a no cost way to read the latest novels and watch some great classic movies. Your children can engage in self care by attending a free story time.


4.  Bedtime Ritual. You need a bedtime ritual so that you are guaranteed you will take time for you. Set a scheduled time each evening that you will go to your bedroom. Develop a routine for cleansing your face, taking care of your hands and nails, followed by sliding into your cozy pajamas. Ensure that you have on your favorite lotion and body spray. You can spray linen spray on your pillow case to ensure a tranquil night’s sleep too. Slide into bed with your favorite book, magazine, or write in your journal. It is ok to enjoy some mindless television too. Ensure that you are focusing on what you want to do. The last few hours of the evening should be spent relaxing not ironing laundry and getting ready for the morning. You will find you sleep better when you have a nighttime routine that includes time for relaxing before you are actually ready to fall asleep.


5. Pedicure & Manicure. If you find that making time to get your toes and nails painted is stressing you out I suggest you invest a few dollars in a bottle of nail polish and paint your own nails and toes. When you are home watching television and feel the urge to multi-task set your feet in a bucket of warm soapy water. Let the pedicure process begin. I personally do not like to sit around for an hour while someone scrubs my feet and digs under my toenails. I find it painful. I also do not find it enjoyable to get beat by a massaging chair. Getting a professional pedicure requires just too much planning since you have to ensure your legs are shaved and you have on flip flops. I would rather sit on my bed and paint my own toes. It costs less than $5 to do your own pedicure at home, plus I can enjoy a glass of wine and lounge in my pj’s. If you go to a salon and include a tip you are going to spend $20 or more and you won’t get to enjoy a glass of wine.


Taking time for self care does not need to rob the bank. Think of the activities you enjoy whether it is being alone or spending time with family and friends and be creative on how to take time to relax without breaking the bank. Leftovers have taken a bad rap for many years. I promise your friends will love the idea of leftover night. You get great conversation and dinner for free!


I challenge you this week to start taking time for self care. You and your family will enjoy the benefits. Because you will be more focused and relaxed afterwards.




5 Tips for Enjoying a Stress Free Holiday Season

November 26, 2008

The word BUDGET often elicits thoughts of being in a straight jacket and being forced to sit home alone being denied fun and food. A budget is not about deprivation. A budget is a plan on how you are going to spend your money for the upcoming month. Using my 5 Tips below you will be able to enjoy a stress free holiday season.

1.  Review your basic living expenses. This is where you will record your mortgage or rent, electric, cable, cell phone, water, and other fixed expenses.

2. Make a list of all your holiday expenses. You will want to list the people you intend to buy presents for to include your neighbors, mailman, hair stylist, and other service people. You will also need to add greeting cards, thank you cards, postage, baking supplies, holiday decorations, party supplies, and holiday clothing.

3. When you know how much money you have left over from your basic you budget you will need to devise a spending plan for all the categories you listed in number 2 above. In your spending plan for the holidays you will want to list each person or category and how much money you are going to realistically spend. Putting the plan on paper will let you see where you may need to make adjustments so that you do not need to use a credit card or take out a loan.

4. In order to keep holiday spending down you may want to capitalize on your talents. If you love to bake- give away your goodies as gifts. If you enjoy walking dogs then make dog walking coupons for your neighbors and friends. The holidays are not about going on a marathon shopping spree. They are about giving thanks.

5. When you are going holiday shopping use the envelope system. For each category on your budget put the allotted amount of CASH in an envelope. When you go shopping use only the cash in each envelope for the item or category it is allotted. Do not cheat and rob one envelope to pay for something in another envelope. When you run out of money in the envelope you are done spending in that category. 

Planning in advance for the holiday season can ensure that you are able to truly enjoy the season for the right reason. Using the 5 Tips above will guarantee that you know where you are spending your money this holiday season. Business owners should also follow the above 5 Tips to ensure that they stay within budget during the holiday season when giving holiday gifts to their employees and customers.



Coach Jaynine ensures small business owners and determined individuals turn their Dreams into Reality. She facilitates personal improvement through the use of assessments, self empowerment, and client specific action steps via the telephone and internet. Her clients increase their productivity and earning power while living life on their terms. Experience what Coaching can do for you by registering for a complimentary teleclass at https//www.dreamcatcher-lifecoaching.com