Military Widows Can Enjoy the Holiday Season

November 23, 2008

The holiday day season is not always joyful for those who have lost a loved one. However, Military Widows can enjoy the holiday season by using my 5 tips below:

1. Reminisce: No where is it said that you must forget your spouse. Quite the opposite is true. You need to acknowledge your feelings. Carry out your normal traditions and honor your spouse. Use this time to give thanks for his or her sacrifices. It is not time for a pity party but it is time to reminisce and enjoy the memories you built together during the holiday season.

2. Give your time to others: Now is the time to get active and donate your time and energy to helping others.  The holiday season is not a license to have a pity party. There are many organizations that need volunteers during the holiday season. You could go visit people in the hospital who are alone or go to the animal shelter and feed the animals. Tis the season for sharing. The USO always needs volunteers to help prepare and serve the holiday meals.

3. Adopt a Single Service Member: Many single service members cannot afford to go home for the holidays or they have duty. You could invite a few of them into your home to share a holiday meal. When you do your marathon cookie baking don’t forget to take a few trays of cookies to the people living in the barracks. I’m sure they are missing Mom’s homemade sugar cookies or gingerbread men. Remember, you are not the only one missing someone during the holiday season. No pity party allowed.

4. Spend time with other Military Widows: Combining forces with others in similar situations is a great way to get through the holidays. Just remember…no pity party. When you combine your talents and resources you can do amazing things. You could bake and cook for the single service members or just enjoy combining your resources and enjoying a holiday meal together. Don’t forget there are families from out of town visiting their sons and daughters in the hospital who would enjoy a real home cooked meal too. Lastly, don’t forget everyone working on the actual holiday. Be creative, enjoy the season and remember…no pity party allowed.

5. Start a new tradition: You can look at the glass as half empty or half full. This can be the time to start a new tradition. Life is exciting and is meant to be enjoyed. Think of something unique to your family that can be a new tradition. Maybe you want to eat cold pizza for breakfast and ice cream for lunch…who cares…there is no right or wrong. It is your family and your tradition; that is what memories are made of.

Remember No Pity Party Allowed; where ever you are in life there is someone worse off. Take the time to reminisce, give your time to others, adopt a single service member, spend time with other military widows, or start a new tradition. You do not have to do all 5 tips listed above but by doing a few you will get yourself motivated to enjoy the holiday season.  Enjoy a very blessed holiday season.

Coach Jaynine is a retired United States Marine and Life Coach. She ensures small business owners and determined individuals turn their Dreams into Reality. She facilitates personal improvement through the use of assessments, self empowerment, and client specific action steps via the telephone and internet. Her clients increase their productivity and earning power while living life on their terms. Experience what Coaching can do for you by registering for a complimentary coaching session at https//